Eating Out

The Pubs and Restaurants in and around Hawkshead are always busy. Therefore we highly recommend making a reservation in advance of your arrival. Hawkshead village centre is 6 mins walk (downhill) from the house.

Eating in the Village

The Queens Head Hawkshead - 015394 36271

The Red Lion Hawkshead - 015395 766660

The Kittchen (Cat themed ( actual live cats) Beer cafe open till 8.30pm excluding Fridays.) - 015394 36920

Poppy Red – Lunch & Evening meals till 8pm -  015394 36434

The Sun Fish & Chips – can be eaten next door in The Sun pub ( F&C closed Sunday).

Eating out of the Village

The Tower Bank Arms- Near Sawrey (7 mins drive) - 015394 36334

Sawrey House Hotel (The Brasserie Restaurant) Near Sawrey (7 mins drive) - 015394 36387

The Cuckoo Brow – Far Sawrey (10 mins drive) - 015394 43425

The Drunken Duck at Barngates ( 10 mins drive) – book well in advance - 015394 36347

Places a bit out in the country, but a lovely evening drive especially in the lighter nights

Manor House  – Oxon Park,  book well in advance 25 mins scenic drive - 01229 861345

The Eagles Head – Satterthwaite ( Grizedale Forest) – 14 mins drive - 01229 860237

Ambleside is 15- 20 mins drive away and has many restaurants and pubs serving food including Zefferillis & Fellini’s Restaurant and Cinema - 015394 33845

Also in Coniston: The Coniston Inn, The Black Bull, The Crown Inn, Sara’s Indian.


The 505 Bus runs during the day between Ambleside – Hawkshead – Coniston but last bus’s are around 6pm.

Taxi’s are difficult to get hold of and expensive, no Uber here! If you do need a Taxi you do need to book well in advance..

Rob – local private taxi - 07973695253

Ambleside Taxi’s - 015394 88285